Baku – Absheron

History of Baku traces its roots back to the antiquity, though exact date of its establishment is not known up to present. Territory of Absheron peninsula, where the city is located, has very favorable geographic location, comfortable bay, warm dry climate, fruitful soil, natural resource, so the appearance of the ancient settlements here is quite understandable.

Baku, its, oil, 'burning land' were known far from its boundaries long time ago. "Eternal fires" in its outskirts are always reminded in the written sources of the middle ages related to Baku. Byzantine Pisk Paniysky, who was describing the cities of Caucasian Albania, was one of the first ones who informed about them at the beginning of V century. he noted about the place, where "the flame was rising from the underwater rock". Baku had been noted in the essays of Arabic geographers and historians as small but developed feudal city since IX century. Undoubtedly, Baku is a source of white and dark-gray oil. Caravans from the whole Near East, Slovenian, Byzantine, Chinese, Venetian, Indian merchants were coming here for the oil.

In the second mid of IX century state oil Shirvanshah was established. Though this campaign of shah Ismayil to Shirvan dealt a strong blow on the state of Shirvanshah's, it continued existing until 1538. In 1538 Sevefid ruler shah Tahmasib put an end to the ruling of the Shirvanshahs and adjusted the whole Shirvan including Baku to the state of the Sefevids.

Second mid of XVI and early XVII century was distinguished with the wars between the state of Sefevids and Osman Turkey. Baku was moving from one hand to another. Strengthening of the centralized power, termination of the destroying wars and feudal factions in 40s of XVII century gave an impulse to the prosperity of the city life. In the period of the Sefevids Baku was producing brass coins, carpet waiving, oil and salt sales were developing. Baku was fenced with the second row of the fortress walls.

Number of independent khanates including Baku khanate was established in the territory of Azerbaijan in XVIII century. Mirza Muhammad-khan (1747 - 1768) was at the head of Baku khanate. Mirza Muhammad-khan was engaged in the reconstruction of the country economics, furthered to the development of trade in the period of his 20-year ruling. Being an admiral, he was ruling shipbuilding for the transportation of the goods and military goals.

In spite of some revival in the economics in that period, devastating forays of Iranian ruler Aga Muhammad-khan Gajar were damaging Azerbaijan heavily. In 1795, Aga Muhammad-khan Gajar captured and ravaged Baku but late his army left Shirvan.

As a result of Russian-Iranian wars, Baku khanate was adjusted to Russia. Gulustan agreement signed between Russia and Iran in 1813 legally formalized inclusion of Baku khanate into Russian empire. Upon completion of the last Russian-Iranian war, Turkmenchay agreement was signed in 1828, according to which Azerbaijan was divided by the river Araz between Russia and Iran and officially assigned the captured lands, including Baku, to Russia.

So, economical upturn of late XIX century turned Baku into one of the largest centers of Russia and the biggest and considerable cities in Caucasus.

Oil production was playing a big role in the development of the city. Baku was involved in the industrial development of Russia, which economics sharply had increased its demands for the oil. Oil fever that started was comparable to the gold fever in Klondike. Intensive exploitation of Baku oilfields had started, which provided large inflow of the capitals of the foreign oil companies. Representative offices of Sweden, English, French, Belgian, German, American firms were based in Baku in short period of time.

"Oil belt" of Baku known as Black City had become developing in 1873. Later on, Baku industrial region including "oil villages". Along with the oil industry, other fields of economics started developing - 40% of the naval transportation was carried out in the Caspian. In 1883, first railway was opened connecting Baku and Tbilisi, in 1990 - first railway Baku - Petrovsk (present Makhachkala) was constructed, which had accesses to the central provinces of Russia and then to Europe. In 1868-1879 first telegraphic lines between Baku, Tbilisi and Krasnovodsk were constructed, in 1886 - first telephone station was constructed.

"Oil business" magazine was published in Baku - it was the first edition dedicated to the oil and its production issues. Baku was producing almost half of the world oil production in early XX century.

On May 28, 1918, Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan was declared. This was the first republic in the Muslim East. Baku has become a capital of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan. New bodies of state power were establishing.

On April 28, 1920 XI Red Army subdivisions entered Azeri capital, the city of Baku. Soviet power was declared in Azerbaijan. New period in the history of the city of Baku had started.

During the World War II Baku was providing the front with the oil. Baku's contribution in the successful destroy of fascism is quite heavy. Oil reserves of Baku totaled to 75% of the whole oil reserves of the country, airplane fuel consisted of Baku oil by 90%. Old wells were reconstructed and exploited. Thousands of oil-industry workers were going to the front to fight and their places were occuiped by the women. Considerable volume of the military technique, ammunition was produced here as well. Baku was an important transport junction in the provision of the USSR with military humanitarian assistance through the allies carried out via Iran. Being a back city, Baku had received nearly 440 thousand wounded from the front for the years of war.

Baku had become one of the largest industrial centers of the former USSR.

At present, Azerbaijani capital plays a key role as one of the largest political and economic centers of the Caucasian region.

Baku is situated in the south of the Absheron Peninsula, on the shores of the Caspian Sea, its area is 2,200 square kilometers.

Baku has 11 administrative districts and 47 townships. As of January 1, 2012 population of Baku was 2,122,300 people.

Economic region: Absheron economic region

Area: 1360 km²

Population: 195,1 thsd person

Density of population: 143 person /km²

Number of inhabited settlements: 8 villages, 7 settlements

Absheron was founded in January 1963. It was founded to assure enough labour force, highly educated professional staff and necessary provisions is given to enterprises and firms, kolkhozs and collective farms, poultry and agrarian industries, construction centres, scientific-research institutes and laboratories present on the territories of Baku and Sumgayit. It also served to meet the needs of agricultural products for both industry centres.

Absheron region neighbors with Sumgayit city in the north, Khizi region in the north-west, Gobustan region in the west, Hajigabul region in the south-west and Baku city in the east.

There are for farming constructions named "Davalik" on the territory of Guzdak village. Those constructions belonging to Teymur Hamidov, Malik Rzayev and Mammad Rzayev are being preserved despite the fact that they are not used for farming purposes. In Goradile village, there is Abdurrahman mosque pertaining to XIX century which was built by the villager Haji Gurban, mosques from XVIII century in Məmmədli built by Garadaglilar family, mosque-madrasa built in XIX century by Haji Safarali in Novxani, Albattin mosque in Fatmai which goes back to XVIII century. Aside from religious monuments, there are many monuments pertaining to social life of people in last centuries. For example, hamams built in middle ages by Haji Kazim in Qobu village and another one built by Meshadi Imam Baxish in Xirdalan. Ancient wells which provided water supply to people living in this territory are still used in Aşağı Güzdək and Xirdalan. Tombs from VIII - XVIII centuries are also preserved in Fatmai, Digah, Masazir, Hökməli and Saray.

Distance with Baku: 104 km

Population: 15,3 thsd person

How to reach: Bus-> Sheduled bus Baku-Khizi.

Khizi district is the closest district to Baku among all other mountainous district of Azerbaijan. Climate in the district is sogt, air is dry. Considerable part of the district territory is covered with the forest. It sides wit the Caspian Sea in the east.

There is one of the significant monuments established by nature in the territory of the district - Beshbarmag rock of intricate form. Extraordinary contours of the rock reminding stone palm rising sternly over the ancient caravan route amaze the traveler from afar - that is why the name of this rock is "five fingers". Ruins of the sanctuary "Khizirzinda" (eternally alive Khizir) is on the peak among the rock merlons. There are lot of legends and traditions about Beshbarmag mountain.

One of the most beautiful places of Azerbaijan in Khizi region is Altiagay. Road for the camel caravans coming from Shamakhi to abundant Guba via Altiagay was established here in Shirvanshahs' time. Altiagay was a halt, place of rest of the travelers and sarvans (camel owners). In the past "agay" was used as a measure of space. One agaj was equal to 7 km, and "alti" means "six". The distance from Shamakhi to Altiagaj was 42 km.

There are many historical monuments in the district. Beshbarmag tower rose in the mid of VII century. Walls of the tower have been saved. It is 9 km to the center of the district. Ruins of the ancient city of V century located at the distance of 8 km mausoleum of sheikh Heydar in the village of Alishirin 5 km to center of the district. Ruins of Khizi tower of V century. It is possible to reach these places by the earth road but there are not any food objects. Pir (sanctuary) of XV century in the village of Khalanj. The monument is in good state. Asphalt road leads to it. Khizi is an administrative center of the district. Eminent Azeri writer and dramaturge Jafar Jabbarli was born and grown up here. He has a lot of deserve in the development of national cinematograph and training of the national film talents. Film studio "Azerbaijanfilm" is named after him.
